Expert workshop of (IDEA) project
5 May 2021 was held an expert workshop of (IDEA) project with all partner universities.
5 May 2021 was held an expert workshop of (IDEA) project with all partner universities.
Outdoor activities have always been one of the best means for moral recovery and gaining strength before upcoming exams - 2 May for inai.kg was a m...
The long-awaited Business Incubator Open Day took place on 23rd April
The results of the selection of lecturers from Kyrgyzstan for the tandem partnership with professors from WHZ University, Zwickau, Germany, are out.
Кыргызско-Германский институт прикладной информатики совместно с Западно-Саксонским университетом прикладных наук (WHZ), г.Цвиккау, реализует стипендиал...
Students were given the opportunity to get two diplomas
A business incubator will be established at KSPI to develop and further promote business ideas, start-ups and innovative projects by students, young scient
The aim of this project is to develop and implement a Master's programme in Management in Informatics.
Students of the senior year of Bachelor Informatics at INAI.kg, Erkebek Adbrakhman uulu, Adilet Kutmanov, Erlan Artykbaev and Bulat Hamidullin, have dev...
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